“From the corporate compliance side, with Visual Compliance we now have a solid audit trail that can be emailed. I’ve recommended the solution to other shippers and forwarders.”


Our ISF software can help you meet requirements stemming from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection rule that requires carriers to submit “10+2” additional pieces of information to CBP 24 hours before vessels are loaded: ten from the importer (also known as the Importer Security Filing or ISF), and two from the carrier.

Pre-Arrival Notification (ISF/10+2) Solutions

Integrated or stand-alone solutions for Importer Security Filing

Visual Compliance Import Solutions provide increased awareness and visibility over your import processes—from pre-notification (ISF/10+2) through release, entry (ABI) and liquidation. It also delivers alerts and notifications when compliance violations are discovered—notifying the right people to help you rectify problems at their source in purchasing, manufacturing, distribution, or at your customs brokers.

How does Importer Security Filing (ISF)/10+2 affect U.S. Importers?

It is the importer’s responsibility to ensure that the ISF is filed and accurate; failure to provide the 10 data elements to CBP on time will result in penalties equal to the value of the shipment, not to mention the cost of shipping delays.

If you’re an importer, you need to be capable of submitting this information to CBP, and you need to ensure that your carriers are prepared to provide the additional information as well. Our Importer Security Filing software can help.

What information is required from Importers?

  1. Seller name and address
  2. Buyer name and address
  3. Ship to name and address
  4. Manufacturer/supplier name and address
  5. Container loading location
  6. Consolidator name and address
  7. Importer of record number or Foreign Trade Zone applicant ID No.
  8. Consignee number(s)
  9. Country of origin
  10. Commodity HTSUS number (minimum 6 digit level required, 10 is accepted)

What information is required from Carriers?

  1. Vessel Stow Plan
  2. Container Status Messages, including container movements and changes in status (e.g., empty or full).

How is this information used?

This information is used to help CBP and the Department of Homeland Security better assess and identify high-risk shipments from entering the United States.

When did this rule come into effect?

The Federal Register announced the final approval for the “10+2” Rule on November 25, 2008; the Rule officially came into effect on January 25, 2009 with CBP taking a phased in approach.

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